You will notice as you browse through portraits from any one session that the photographs have been edited to reflect a variety of styles, contrast levels, vibrance, and tonal qualities. This variety is intentional as people's tastes also vary widely. We offer any of the photographs we capture with an almost limitless range of edited effects similar to the examples you see in our galleries (but more).

mega- prefix, often meaning "large, great," , from Gk.megas "great, large, mighty" (fem. megale), from PIE *meg-"great" (cf. L. magnus, Goth. mikils, O.E. micel; see mickle). Here at MEGApix Photography, we don't think of ourselves as great or mighty, but rather we acknowledge that we are merely servants of a GREAT and MIGHTY God. It's our goal to serve Him by serving you with wonderfully preserved memories and by contributing to some notable ministries as listed in our sidebar.
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